Sneak Peek

On TIGNUM’s B-LD Kitchen Hub, our world-class Performance Specialists share their latest insights on human performance and discuss real-life experiences and best practices with industry leaders.

Here is a limited selection for you to explore:

Thoughtcast Tignum Thoughtcast Tignum

The most neglected performance factor: hormones

It is time to rewrite the story of hormones - they do not control us and don't just come with negative symptoms. Instead, we can control our hormones and harness their impact on our performance to play to our strength. Business professionals, specifically female leaders, will greatly benefit from understanding the ebbs and flows of hormones, gaining a new sense of body literacy, and learning strategies to deal with hormonal fluctuations.

TIGNUM Performance Specialists Laura Penhaul, Angela Walker, and Scott Peltin

In this roundtable, our TIGNUM performance specialists share their insights into the impact of hormones on performance, and specifically brain performance. Business professionals, specifically female leaders, will greatly benefit from understanding the impact of hormones, gaining a new sense of body literacy, and learning strategies to deal with hormonal fluctuations.

TIGNUM offers a program designed for female leaders and their teams to help them harness the power of hormones and be their best throughout all life stages: The XX Factor.



TIGNUM is the major performance building block for business professionals, designed around a skill- and data-based approach that respects the individuality, focuses on the brain, evolves constantly, and creates lasting impact. Its international team comes from a wide range of fields, including human behavior, elite athletics, special forces, performance medicine, executive coaching, change consultants, and more.

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Leveraging Hormonal Changes Across Life's Cycles to Sustain High Performance with Dr. Emma Ross

Dr. Emma Ross (Co-Founder and Co-CEO, The Well HQ) advocates a better understanding of how hormones impact our performance. In this episode, she shares how important it is for us to know and expertly navigate though our individual hormonal rhythms.

Dr. Emma Ross, Co-Founder and Co-CEO, The Well HQ

“The body literacy piece is so important in our mid-life as women because it’s critical for helping us understand what we can do; what works and what doesn’t.”

As a lifelong athlete, mother, and highly-respected sports scientist, Dr. Emma Ross has made it her mission to tackle the taboos that exist not only within sports, but business and society, around women’s health, menstrual cycles, mental health and the impact hormones have on our ability to perform at our best. In this conversation with Scott Peltin, Dr. Ross discusses:

  • How our hormones ebb and flow and how this affects our mental and physical performance at different phases of our hormone cycles

  • Why understanding our individual rhythms is key to creating an optimal performance state

  • Why breaking the taboos around the natural female life cycle is imperative to creating psychological safety and effective leadership environments

Bio-individual awareness is critical for every human. Have a listen to discover how you can manage your mindset, movement, nutrition, and recovery strategies during your unique phases to maximize your impact.



TIGNUM ThoughtCast is a series of short interviews in which TIGNUM co-founder Scott Peltin sits down with friends, clients, and human performance experts to explore the application of Sustainable Human Performance.

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